Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is when we usually do the big ham dinner. This year we had our friends the Jensens over. It always feels like more of an occasion with company. The kids ate a little, played a lot, and were actually excited to go to bed. We read a really neat book that Aunt Cheryl gave us that retold the birth of the Savior, opened up new pj's, and called it a night.

Kate and Dane

The girls in their new jammies all ready to hit the sack (Jake was already in bed)


Jodi June said...

Gosh, i need to even see what pictures i took!

Carrie said...

SO cute. I love those P.J's. Sad we weren't there but glad you all had fun.

Anonymous said...

we had tons of fun! thanks again for the food for Santas helpers! the kids tacked santa online until it hit AZ then we said 'quick quick - he's almost here!'